
CrossFit can accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance.
From general fitness to sport-specific training, there is no better program out there.

What is CrossFit?

In six words, CrossFit is: "Constantly varied functional movement at high intensity" — It says it all, but it's so much more. It’s a lifestyle for a better, more fit life. Learn how these six words are changing how people of all ages and abilities are changing their lives.

Constantly Varied

You’ll see new workouts programmed every day: workouts with different movements, reps, loads, and timeframes. This doesn’t mean we are working out randomly — CrossFit programming strategically varies the workout stimulus so you’re prepared for any and all physical tasks — but it does mean you’ll never get bored.

Functional Movements

Have you ever picked something up off the floor? Sat down in a chair and stood up again? Placed items up on a shelf? If so, you’ve performed deadlifts, squats, and shoulder presses. In CrossFit, we train these types of movements because they are the movements life demands — whether we practice them or not. They are essential to independent living. And when we use these movements to move large loads over long distances, quickly, we develop power, which in turn develops tremendous strength and body control.

High Intensity

No matter what you’re looking for from your workouts — feeling better, looking better, sleeping better, being stronger — intensity is the most effective way to get you there. In CrossFit, we focus first on moving well with consistency, and then we work on increasing intensity. But a workout that’s intense for one person may not be for another. Intensity is relative, which means the goal is to work hard within the limits of your own physical and psychological capacity, because that’s where the results are. If you’re working hard, chances are you’re getting fitter.


  • Yes. CrossFit training is very safe, and sitting on your couch is actually incredibly dangerous. Clinco CrossFit is a certified affiliate with a coaching staff trained in CrossFit methodologies. Every class has a coach to provide precise instructions and coaching to help people move safely and efficiently, helping people avoid all the diseases that come from inactivity, obesity, and poor nutrition.

  • Yes. Everyone can do CrossFit regardless of age, injuries, and current fitness levels. The program is modified for each person to help him or her safely become healthier and fitter. Grandparents and Olympians can perform modified versions of the same general workout. Item description

  • No. CrossFit is the program that will get you in shape. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can start CrossFit. As you become fitter, we adjust workouts to become more challenging. Every movement is scalable to help you see individual results.

  • Workouts can be adjusted to suit your exact fitness level, ability, and goals. When in doubt, consult your class coach for a modification to preserve the intended movement. All movements are infinitely scalable for all ages, skills, and injuries.

  • Everyone can do CrossFit regardless of age, injuries and current fitness levels. The program is modified for each person to help him or her safely become healthier and fitter. Grandparents and Olympians can perform modified versions of the same general workout.

    We do offer youth classes specifically for Kids and Teens. Anyone considered a “Master” (ages 35+) will be most comfortable in our standard CrossFit classes post-onboarding.

  • We offer memberships of all shapes and sizes. It’s recommended to join one of our onboarding classes to get you comfortable with the movements. Questions, contact us.

Sample CrossFit Class Workout

CrossFit uses a constantly varied, functional movements at high-intensity methodology. While this is a ‘typical’ CrossFit workout structure, there is no predictability in the workout movements, weights, or timeframes we do every day.

Warm Up
3 Sets Of:
50ft KB OH Carry
5 KB Front Squat
5 KB Strict Press 1 1 set all on the Right Arm, then switch to Left Arm and repeat (Light KB)

Workout of the Day (WOD) “What I Got”
7 Rounds for Time of:
7 - Hang Power Clean
7 - Thrusters 7 - Shoulder to Overhead RX:95/65, LVL2:75/55, LVL1:45/Empty Bar

Strength Work
Strict Press:
Every 3:00 for 5 Sets complete the following:
3 - Strict Press @80% 2 - Strict Press @85% 1 - Strict Press @87-90%

Try this class free. YOUR FIRST WEEK IS ON US.


CrossFit Foundations