LIFE45 Classes

Our LIFE45 classes offer a variety of high-intensity interval training style classes, with a mix of light CrossFit and functional movements. Designed to fit in busy schedules, we run a rigid clock to get you in, get you fit, and get you out in 45 minutes.


  • This class is a great aerobic workout with some bodyweight movements thrown in–along with some kettlebells and dumbells to spice it up! Since we keep it to a strict 45-minutes, we don’t get into the complex gymnastic movements or the heavy-weight lifts you might see in a ‘typical’ CrossFit class. We keep these classes as approachable as possible, offering various scaling options.

  • LIFE45 classes are part of any regular monthly membership or one-time drop-in membership. Members can access all LIFE45 classes, CrossFit classes, or open gyms as part of their subscription.

  • We encourage members to try both styles of class. We designed the LIFE45 classes as a quick aerobic workout, some weights, and in a bit of a time crunch. While we think a complete CrossFit regimen is best for most seeking their best, fit self — we’re also realistic our members have lives outside the gym and just want a quick workout.

  • LIFE45 classes adhere to a strict 45-minute clock. We move fast, work hard, and get out of here in the allotted time.

LIFE45 Sample Class Workout

All LIFE45 classes still use the constantly varied, functional movements at high-intensity methodology. While this is a ‘typical’ LIFE45 workout structure, there is no predictability in the workout movements, weights, or timeframes.

Warm Up
3 Rounds:
1min on bike
PVC Shoulder Opener
KB Swing
Worlds Greatest Stretch

Workout of the Day (WOD)

3 rounds with 2min rest between

40sec at each station / 20 sec transition/rest

1. KB Swing

2. Row

3. Russian Twist w/MB

4. Bike

5. Box Jump/Step Up

6. Burpees

7. Plank

8. Sprints

9. Mountain Climbers

10. Ski

*Build in effort through the 40 sec up to max

Accessory / Strength
Dumbbell Lunges

I’m ready to GET STARTED at

We’re excited for you to take this step in your fitness journey. Sign up for our CrossFit Foundations classes. It will teach you all the fundamentals before launching into Life45 or CrossFit classes. Follow the link below to get officially signed up!

l still have questions before

We get it. You might have some questions before signing up. Submit your questions below, DM us on Facebook Messenger, or send us an email to get answers.

Try this class free. YOUR FIRST WEEK IS ON US.


Clinton County Athletics